Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm Sorry! :(

Hello Swifties. Good morning/afternoon/evening. Aku minta maaf ya kalo aku udah ga nge-post anything in this blog. From 26th of September until 28th September. I think its a long time :/ What's the topic of my last post? Taylor's Fashion! Yeah :D Haha.
Hari Sabtu ada sidang report Pare, jadi kayaknya pagi aku ga bisa nge-post anything. Dont worry, Insya Allah, sore bisa kok! :D Wish me luck ya Swifties :3 Okey, maafin aku yah.
Be back tomorrow Swifties! Its already 10pm here~ Time to go to bed :( Bye Swifties! :*


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